It is extremely important to protect your card payment details, as most everyday payments are made through credit/debit cards. Here are some simple steps to keep your funds safe and your card activity in check.
1. Do not tell your card expiry date and CVV (three-digit number on the back side of the card) in the presence of strangers who ask for this information to complete payments. Together with the card number, this information may be enough to debit the funds from your card;
2. Avoid sharing access to your mobile app or web banking account with anyone, especially using remote access applications (AnyDesk, TeamViewer);
3. Do not give your card to anyone. Please request a cashier or waiter to bring a machine over so you can keep an eye on the payment process;
4. Do not show or tell your PIN code and transaction confirmation code received from your card issuer in someone's presence;
5. Avoid purchases on suspicious websites that consist of a single page, have undervalued prices, or have no Legal information provided on site. Before making the payment online, make sure that you trust the merchant you are going to pay. We recommend looking for other customers' reviews of unknown online merchants. To identify whether the merchant can be trusted, check the SSL Certificate of the online Merchant's website or simply contact us for advice. Quite often, your card details are stolen once entered on fake websites created for that purpose only;
6. Do not keep the PIN code anywhere close to your card, and do not write your PIN on the card itself. If you forgot your PIN code, please ask your card issuer for assistance or change it in the app if possible.
Before you insert a card into an ATM, make sure that there are no suspicious elements on the keypad that could be used to read your PIN code or card data;
Cover the keypad with your hand when entering the PIN code on an ATM or POS machine;
7. If you lost your card or have received a confirmation code or notification for a transaction you didn't make, you should immediately freeze/block your card and contact your card issuing company.