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Your bank or credit card company might charge you some additional fees that you will only see after the transaction. We always advise to check with your financial institution first to avoid unpleasant surprises.
The possible extra charges might be these:
Cash advance fee
Visa and MasterCard decided to consider all cryptocurrency transactions as cash advance transactions. Your bank or card issuer may add an extra fee (up to 5%) for purchasing cryptocurrencies using your credit card. This fee is charged by your bank and Paybis has no control over it.
Exchange rate fee
Exchange rate fee is the fee your bank charges for converting your bank account currency into either EUR, USD or GBP. The exchange rate fee is determined by your card issuer.
Bank transfer fee
In most cases, banks will apply their commission for transferring funds. Please refer to the "Fees and Charges" section on your bank's website for more information.