Currently available wallets and their networks can be found here: Coins and tokens.
Please find this guide useful on how to withdraw cryptocurrency from your Paybis wallet.
Unlike most coins, there are some exceptions when a cryptocurrency you want to transfer has a specific condition to comply with depending on this coin's Network. Please check the list of these cryptocurrencies before proceeding with the withdrawal:
USDT withdrawals
In case you wish to withdraw USDT(TRC20) from your Paybis wallet, you will need a small amount of TRX to cover the fees on the TRC20 network, which can be anywhere between 20-40 TRX.
- You can easily exchange at our homepage using a Credit/Debit card to have around 50 TRX in your wallet The TRX wallet will be created automatically for you during your transaction.
- Alternatively, if you happen to have TRX in an external wallet, you can create a TRX wallet on Paybis and send a small amount of TRX to it.
Ethereum withdrawals
If you have to withdraw ERC20-based tokens, please note that you need to have Ethereum in your wallet to cover the networking (gas) fees. To find out which tokens require Ethereum to withdraw them successfully, please refer to this chart.
BUSD withdrawals
In case you would like to withdraw your BUSD (BEP20), you would require to have some BNB (BEP20) in your Paybis wallet to cover the Network fee for the BUSD transfer.
The BNB Network fee depends on the amount of BUSD you would like to transfer and the current demand on the market (Network load).
However, the minimum deposit made with your Credit/Debit card or transferred from an external wallet will be enough to cover a Network fee for a couple of your transfers.
SOL withdrawals
Solana token requires the wallet account to hold a rent-exempt minimum. Detailed information can be found in the technical documentation here.
In simpler words, a certain amount of your SOL tokens need to stay on your Paybis wallet for it to function on the network. The amount cannot be defined specifically as it may vary case-by-case basis.
If you are experiencing issues when withdrawing SOL, try a lower amount so that a small amount will stay in your account. There is not always a defined amount, however, we advise leaving anywhere between 3 to 5 USD worth of SOL in your wallet.
XRP withdrawals
The XRP Ledger applies reserve requirements in XRP to protect from unnecessary wallet address influxes and spam. More detailed information about this reserve and the technical side of it can be found here.
In other words, the wallet needs to have a set amount of XRP for it to stay active. For Paybis XRP wallets, the required amount is 20 XRP which can’t be withdrawn. If you’re trying to withdraw the full amount, it will cause an error like this "The asset requires a minimum amount = 20 XRP of reserved funds to be kept on the account“.
POL withdrawals
Any token that runs on Polygon (POL), such as USDT or USDC, would require you to have a positive balance of POL coin on your Paybis wallet. You can either deposit or buy POL in your Paybis wallet directly.
Base token withdrawals
Same as Matic, your Base tokens require Base coin to pay your network fees for transfers. You can get Base to your Paybis wallet by depositing it from an external wallet or buying it at